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Audit & Assurance Services

Audit quality is of fundamental importance for maintaining trust in the financial reporting process and the integrity of financial information. M H S & Associates provides following Audit & Assurance Services:

Financial Statements Audit
Statutory and Tax Audits to ensure that financial statements present a true and fair view of financial positions and operational results in accordance with the guidelines issued by the regulator.

Risk Advisory, Internal & Management Audits
Comprehensive evaluation of internal controls, internal systems and internal processes in organizations and recommending areas for improvement. Risk-based approach that involves risk assessment of the entity’s business & its key business process.

Internal Financial Controls
Help organization transition to a process based approach for financial control compliance, identifying effective ways to appropriately reduce effort through better risk assessment, scoping and use to technology.

Ind-AS, Indian GAAP Advisory
Advising and assisting clients in respect of accounting under various GAAPs. Proactively monitoring new accounting rules, alerting our clients to dynamic requirements and offering assistance with addressing complex accounting or reporting challenges.

Due Diligence, Investigative Audits
Undertaken at the specific request of the management or regulators to detect fraud, misappropriation of resources, bribery, misconduct or other financial irregularities.

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